Raymond, 17, my son, always teaches me something new.
He just self-published with Lulu.com his book on Amateur Nuclear Fusion.
You can download a free PDF copy – allow more download time, it’s 80 Meg.
Raymond teaches me:
> Tenacity of research and discovery in spite all odds.
After 1,000 hours and $4,500 and lots of eBay and Craig’s list hours, he succeeded
with his project.
> Reach for more – now he is trying to raise $20,000 from donors to improve
further on his research.
More about the family. https://vignetteslearning.blog/2007/11/about-franny-raymond-marisu-and-frances.html
Ray Jimenez, PhD www.vignettestraining.com
“Helping Learners Learn Their Way”