(To protect the interest of our clients, we are using fictitious names. However, the data presented here are close to real and living cases.) Last week, I had a conversation with a VP for Sales Training. He asked what is…
Tag: rapid e-learning LMS LCMS
New Territories and Innovations in Learning Solutions
Happy New Year! May 2011 bring you and your loved ones peace, good health and more wealth. Thank you for all your support in 2010. My 2010 was a year of discovery and innovation. My team had an abundance of…
Ray’s Wacky Video – Blur Between Learning and Applying
Are you emphasizing learning or applying? There is a blur and the more you focus your investment in applying the better your returns will be. And learners learn better. Salient points of the video * Blur Between Learning and Applying…
Wired article – “Doing everything right by doing everything wrong”
This is an interesting article from Wired Magazine on “How Apple Got Everything Right By Doing Everything Wrong” – how Steve Jobs’ leadership style is often in contrast to traditionally accepted norms. The part that interests me the most is…
Where Have All the LMSs Gone? Growth in the Purchase of LMSs, Hybrids and Learning 2.0
As I have shared in my workshops and consulting work, LMSs are alive and kicking, but they are morphing into different forms and shapes. Josh Bersin just concluded a report on the growth of LMSs. These are the mutations of…
A Trainer’s Manifesto to Rapid LMS (Learning Management Systems)
1. I want to use an LMS that allows me to author, publish, register participants, and track reports – in 30 minutes. 2. Anything beyond this, the LMS is not deemed a learning tool, but rather another tool for the…
What Stops LMCSs from Succeeding?
I met with an executive from one of the leading LCMS (Learning Content Management System) providers. He said, “clients are not fully utilizing the “C” in the LCMS”. I inquired further why this is the case. It turns out that…
LMS is Dead! But Long Live LMS!
The LMS is dead as a model of e-learning. LMS was thought of as a way to help learners learn. But this was a misconception. The LMS has never been designed to be a learning tool. Rather, it is a…
Some Web 2.0-Like Tools in LMSs Extend e-Learning into Social Networking and Community Sharing
The following are Web 2.0-like tools in LMSs. If added or incorporated, these tools help learners use LMS content as a resource for sharing ideas in networks and communities. See how they work: Google-like search – allows learners to search…
If your Content is 1,000 pages, how do you discover the 10% key performance content?
Most training converted into e-Learning is based on linear, teacher-trainer delivery methods. Of course, just converting into e-Learning is a bad approach. Why? Because nobody wants to study a linear lesson online. The biggest value of e-learning is helping the…
Too Much Knowledge, Not Enough Time to Apply Learning
I had the opportunity to attend the presentation of Ken Blanchard in VNULearning Training Conference on Oct. 18. Two key points stuck in my mind: 1. Technology-based training tends to dump too much knowledge to the learners. 2. It provides…
How Taking Baby Steps Can Lead to Giant Success in e-Learning
Topics this issue: 1. Taking baby steps to achieve giant success in elearning The most difficult part of starting a project is making that crucial “first step.” Especially in elearning where the market is flooded with too many choices for…
How To Googlelize e-Learning Programs And Increase Its Repeat Value
Topics this issue: 1. Googlelize e-Learning Programs for Repeat Value We love Google for the way it helps us search tons of information to retrieve just the bytes we need, and for the way it helps us do this in…