I got to visit the Monastery where Gurus Live
There are many ways to learn, but it is best is to seek out Gurus. Most of them live in monasteries (or Hall of Fame for Great Trainers). They are up in the high mountains because they have achieved nirvana or high supreme skills on what they do.
We too have learning gurus within the learning industry. I am referring to these gurus: Thiagi, Jane Bozarth and Lou Russell.

Establish Learners’ Priorities
In this portion of the video, Lou Russell draws learners to participate at the onset by asking them to mark and establish their priorities in relation to the topics that will be tackled during the webinar.
1 | Asks learners to mark out their perceived learning priority among the presented content | |||
2 | Avoids “dead air” by continuous encouragement and validation | |||
3 | Establishes rapport with her virtual audience through a continuous flow of virtual conversation |

Engaging Virtual Cocktail Party
Lou continues to engage the participants through this engrossing exercise to identify participants’ perceptions or understanding of the roles of both the Project Sponsor and the Project Manager, which becomes a springboard for more discussions; making it fun and light for all.
1 | Asks the learners to use their virtual pens to delineate which tasks belongs to who | |||
2 | Validates and acknowledges the contributions and responses | |||
3 | Posts initial question to guide participants | |||
4 | “Lovely impressionistic art” – reference to the responses using colorful markings | |||
5 | Rounds off comments and offers more insights | |||
6 | Keeps the conversation going |

Melding Technical Knowledge with Episodic Experiences – Thiagi
At this point, Thiagi initiates “playing a game” to involve participants and help them experience the context.
1 | Asks participants to play a game | |||
2 | Allows participants to experience the technical knowledge | |||
3 | Validates responses and encourage others to join | |||
4 | Gives virtual rewards to those who are deserving |

Creating Memorable Small Bites and Chunks of Ideas That Matter – Thiagi
Tracy, a co-presenter, expounds on how the card games can be done in a classroom situation.
1 | Provides examples on how to use the concept | |||
2 | Emphasizes the flexibility of the idea – uses in both classroom and virtual |

Designing Questions That Provoke Discussions and Exchange of Stories
Jane stimulates the participants with a question for participants to add similar stories or methods as discussed in the slide. She also tries to incorporate humor during discussion.
1 | Designing questions that provoke discussions and exchange of stories | |||
2 | Adding your presence despite the virtual environment |

Adding Challenge, Excitement and Discoveries Through Stories
Jane stimulates the participants with a question about an interesting character named Wagner Dodge, survivor of the Mann Gulch Fire.
1 | Making presentations come alive with characters and visualization | |||
2 | Adding challenge, excitement and discoveries through stories |

Being a webinar master requires some specialized training, focus and dedication. By listening and attending webinars like those featured in http://www.trainingmagnetwork.com/ you learn from the Gurus. Gurus are inspiring. They lift our spirits. They show us the way. So, your journey to achieving Master Kung Fu Webinar skills is guided by these loving and nurturing Gurus.
Establish Learners’ Priorities
Engaging Virtual Cocktail Party
Thiagi – Melding Technical Knowledge with Episodic Experiences
Thiagi – Creating memorable small bites and chunks of ideas that matter
Designing Questions That Provoke Discussions and Exchange of Stories
Adding Challenge, Excitement and Discoveries Through Stories
Training Magazine Network
Previous Tips
Tip #136 – How My Life Changed with Virtual Learning and Webinars
Tip #137 – How to Be a Kung Fu Webinar and Virtual Trainer Master
Vignettes Learning
“Helping Learners Learn Their Way”
Thanks Ray – what a wonderful compliment. I really try to facilitate learning (notice I didn't say 'teach') with the same interactivity on a webinar or F2F workshop. It can be done. Also, remember the Multiple Intelligences that drive learning – use these to balance the time you spend on each deliver method. VOILA!