This is the third installment of the five-part blog series about the The All-New Open Learning Environment.
At Training Magazine Network, we capture the crumbs of insights as they happen. This level of self-awareness enables our members to keep track of their train of thought. While in webinars, reading white papers, watching videos, etc., members can quickly record the ripple of their insights. They also encourage real-time noting, sharing and tracking of other members’ insights.
Savor the moment. As members go through all types of content that they find interesting through the help of a powerful search engine, they are constantly encouraged to record their insights as it happens. The key idea is to allow them to document what piqued their interest at the moment. Their learning preferences and interest areas are captured by the system. This provides them a unique perspective of their pursuit of expertise.
Why Evaluate Insight?
The idea behind evaluating one’s insight is established by a huge quantum of studies. Organizations discover that giving appropriate feedback enhances personnel’s ability to grow. As a matter of fact, neglecting a good evaluation or feedback mechanism is a recipe for disaster. According to Jane Bozarth “We often treat evaluation as an afterthought, focus on measures that offer little real information, or, when the effort looks difficult, just don’t do evaluation at all. In looking at evaluation strategies, choose those that will get you what you need. Are you trying to prove results, or drive improvement? And above all, remember: some evaluation is better than none.”
A founder of Triad Consulting Group and a lecturer at Harvard Law School, Sheila Heen delivers a talk on the importance of feedback. Giving the right kind of feedback takes center stage in sharing and tracking of other people’s insights.
Technology-Enhanced Feedback Mechanism
There are a lot of advantages in using technology as a feedback mechanism. First of all, the time and distance constraint is easily overcome. A good LMS (Learning Management System) can easily incorporate feedback mechanisms like forums where learners can discuss the ripples of insight.
Through this mechanism, peer learners can easily assess and give feedback on each other’s ideas. This can be personalized even in a large group. On top of that, real-time tracking of feedback is easy with fast data transfer.
The Training Magazine Network is soon to release the first-of-its kind member service we call Path to Expertise or Path2X. It incorporates a technology-enhanced feedback mechanism.
Ray Jimenez, PhD
Vignettes Learning
“Helping Learners Learn Their Way”