Using Live Calls – Tip #13

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Many times, designers and developers have tremendous in-house learning resources through their internal recordings of sales calls, customer support and troubleshooting incidents or even text, email and chat support.

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Using recorded phone conversations in story-based elearning lessons is powerful because it uses real-life events as a way to focus learner’s attention.

These are ideas to consider:

  1. Select the recording that dramatizes problems or celebrates success stories. Avoid lethargic and inconsequential conversations between the sales person and the customer. Ask permission from your company to use the recordings.
  2. Remove parts that may not add value like waiting time on the phone, pauses or shifting through paper work. Keep the actual conversations only.
  3. Find the focal point  of the story. Conversations should not rumble.
  4. Match it with the right graphics and audio voices. Take  great care in doing this. Recorded voices suggest photo and audio matches. If the recording does not match with the photo and voices, it causes a disconnect in the learner’s mind.
  5. Add interaction, like micro-scenarios  at the end. Add tips and other references.

The power of real-life phone conversations draw in the learners into the story and enable them to relate and interpret the events and the discovery of context.

Ray Jimenez, PhD
Vignettes Learning
“Helping Learners Learn Their Way”