Table of Posts
How does a family of five earning a minimum wage survive? They make do with what they have. They shop in thrift stores or at Costco, but never on Rodeo Drive. They have the bargain hunter’s instinct: hold back a cash outlay until they find the right product at the lowest price.
By constantly deferring purchases and hunting for bargains, the Do-It-Yourselfers learn more about the variety of brands, the suppliers, the discounts and the timing of the purchase. They offer trade-ins, and they barter. And sometimes they get freebies and giveaways or purchase display models at markedly lower prices.
When purchasing eLearning tools and services, ask the supplier, “Can we trade my time to test and provide you with testimonials in exchange for your products or service?”
Total cost of acquiring eLearning is often ignored for the nitty-gritty and bits and pieces.
(This is a series of post from my book “Do-It-Yourself eLearning 2009).
Ray Jimenez, PhD
“Helping Learners Learn Their Way”