Dion Hinchcliffe made a good summary of where Web 2.0 is impacting Enterprise 2.0. In his article he summarizes the new reports from Forrester, CIO Insight and McKinsey that suggests the faster adoption of Web 2.0 in enterprises.
What is most interesting is his reference to Andrew McAfee’s thinking on SLATES: Search, Links, Authoring, Tags, Extensions, Signals.

My takes are:
1. | SLATE is a prescription on how people will learn and do their work. In SLATE we see learning behaviors. |
2. | When 1-2 billion people are connected, we better be prepared in training and learning, since this will reshape the way we do things now. |
Ray Jimenez’s Workshops
Implementing Social Networking to
Boost Organizational Learning and Performance
3-Minute and Rapid e-Learning

Ray Jimenez, PhD
Vignettes Learning
“Helping Learners Learn Their Way”