Characters carry the learning messages in SBLs (Scenario-Based e-Learning).
Characters in SBL stories serve these purposes:
1. | Make the story more relevant and meaningful. |
2. | Allow us to empathize with the pain and pleasure of the characters. |
3. | Make us feel the situation in a more emotional way. |
4. | The story, event, or situation makes the learning real. |
5. | The learning becomes accessible and easy to follow because the characters carry the messages. |
6. | We see characters represent our own lives. |
7. | Character represent, express, or embed the messages of the content. Susan Smith Nash writes about characters and their roles in learning. It is a refreshing view on how Hollywood producers stress the value and impact that characters bring into our learning design. Check it out. |

Ray Jimenez, PhD
Vignettes Learning
“Helping Learners Learn Their Way”