What is your rapid e-Learning mindset or religion?

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I am new to blogs. Another learning.

Sometimes I hear my own voice more often than those people whose opinions I respect and want to hear, and those I must listen to. So this blog is to reach out, share and learn from you. Hopefully, I can also share my observations and learnings.

Yes, I am an e-Learning observer and student, and will be for a long while.

What is your rapid e-Learning mindset or religion? Is it production or application?

Two interesting notes:

1. Rapid e-Learning does not mean poor quality.
The typical definition of rapid is cramming all elements (media, content, etc.) to make it shorter (compressed version). This is a production mindset. The solution is often using software for rapid development.

What is needed, in my observation, is a learning and applications mindset: how do we help the learner on the job to learn and apply faster?

The production mindset defines quality as aesthetics, memorization, retention, volume of lessons covered, of course. This is how proponents (believers) believe learners learn.

The learning and application mindset defines quality as usefulness of the training and knowledge in actually accomplishing work. This is my bias.

The two mindsets are like religions. Based on hard core beliefs, these are hard to change (try convincing someone to change religions). The key is to focus on the learner or worker in rapidly changing work environments with equally rapidly changing demands. We then need to rethink or redefine quality and results of training.
2. Book “3-Minute e-Learning
Finally, my four years of studies in rapid e-Learning is now in a book entitled “3-Minute e-Learning.” I added over 30 online wacky, unpolished videos (I am almost shy to show them), and 50 online demos, templates, and examples. Please visit www.vignettestraining.com to download a description. Some parts of this book were published in 2006 by eLearning Guild. Let me know if I can help.

Ray Jimenez, PhD
Vignettes Learning
“Helping Learners Learn Their Way”