Insights on Business Drivers of Social Networking

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Back to square one – my true love: people and groups.

I am now in a learning technology-based business, though I am a frustrated “Organization Development” consultant (my PhD). However, I am back to where I started 25 years ago, studying the psychology of people and groups in organizations. I am referring to recent developments where psychology of groups is now merging and coalescing with technology in “social networking.”

I thought you might be interested to see this white paper by Akamai, one of the leading providers of Internet networks and systems. The paper is mostly about business drivers, technology, and ROI of mainstream social networking. It is a good reference.

Successful Social Networking and User-Generated-
Content Applications: What You Need to Know

I’d like to hear what you are doing with social networking and how you are able to impact performance on the job.

1. Where does it work best?
2. What software helps learners?
3. How do you make the hidden side of social networking more “visible”?
4. How do you capture the value and impacts in organizations using social networking tools?
Happy e-Learning!

Ray Jimenez, PhD
Vignettes Learning
“Helping Learners Learn Their Way”